Mauro Ronchi
Mauro Ronchi was born in Villanuova sul Clisi in 1958. He was graduated in Master of Arts in 1975, then continued his study in Applied Arts and received the diploma in 1977. In 1982 he got a degree in ISIA Institute of Urbino. In 1983 he became one of associated founder of Visual Design studio in the province of Trento, with the aim to create and promote projects from various sectors such as graphic design, industrial design and interior design. From 1984 to 1986 he was an Art Director among advertiser agencies and in 1986 he found the Leadergrafica studio in Brescia that develop the business and product concept for agencies, public institutions and privates. In 1993 he moved his Visual Design studio to the province. He is associated with ACPI (Association of Italian Advertising Consultants) from 1996 to 2000 and became a business partner of ADI (Association of Industrial Design). In 2000 he became a member and founder of the Artex office, a laboratory of ideas in the province of Trento that works in graphic projects and fabric printings specialized in big sizes, and in 2012 he found the AMJ studio that focuses on design and creation of jewelleries and luxury products. Mauro Ronchi now lives and works in Villanuova Sul Clisi (Brescia, Italy) and collaborates with both Italian and foreign agencies in industrial design sector. His works range in various fields, from door handle, watch, jewellery, furniture, fashion, automotive and gun. His design studio grows rapidly in business communication sector with various projects from image branding, packaging, event planning and visual setting.